A great feel for the right blend

A shopping centre is a sensitive being. It is like an organism that lives and pulsates, that grows and changes constantly. Good centre management ensures that this organism remains healthy. For example, through the right blend of different retail sectors. Through independent positioning that is tailored perfectly to the market and the environment. And through successful marketing and advertising measures that supply the organism with fresh blood.

All of this requires precise knowledge of the market, a great deal of experience and more besides: an instinctive feel for what is right. For as we have stated, a shopping centre is a sensitive being.

» Our services in detail



„Berliner-Freiheit“ shopping centre

Property: shopping centre
Service(s) provided: centre management, management of advertising association
Useable floor space: 18,800 m² (approx. 80 rental units)

» Further references


Member of German Council of Shopping Places